Saturday, May 11, 2013

see Sam run Saturdays: "Post 29" and Control

Happy birthday to me!! Well, yesterday anyway...

Yesterday was my "post 29" birthday. Healthylittleme coined the term because I get nauseous at the very sound of that "T" word!

It bothers me that I can no longer say I'm in my twenties. This particular birthday makes me feel like I haven't accomplished as much as I'd hoped to by now. I don't have a house of my own, or a career, I haven't finished my Master's degree, I'm STILL a poor college student...

This got me thinking about what I HAVE accomplished thus far (way to be positive, right?) I am in graduate school, I have run races, and even a 10k, I bought the car I always wanted, I have two wonderful rescue dogs, I have the love of one of the most genuine men on the planet, I've lived on my own for 11 years now, I have authored books, I have been on NPR, and I have some of the best friends anyone could ever ask for. And now, lets add to it that I am getting in the best shape of my life. Not for anyone else, but for ME.

My pity party is over about no longer being in my twenties. You may return to your regularly scheduled programming.

That being said, this past week has been insane for so many reasons and my diet and exercise routine kind of, sort of fell off the face of the earth. But this is a new week and it's time to get on it! It's time to step it up! It's time to regain control.

I don't know about you, readers, but a big part of my weight struggles and relationship with food comes from feeling out of control. There are so many aspects of life that we are not in control of and I, personally, dealt with that by seeking comfort. Had a bad day at work? Hello cheeseburger and fries! Get a bad grade on an exam? Come to momma, ice cream! I feel like this is probably the case with a lot of people. We turn to comfort food to make us feel better. And it's not only food, it's other things like curling up on the couch and watching reruns of Friends despite the fact that you own every season on DVD and should probably be working on your thesis. No? That just me? My point is we often turn to familiar things of comfort to deal with the aspects of our lives we can't control, and that usually turns into a life of pork rinds and an ass that fits perfectly in the couch. We all need those comfort days, but sometimes they turn into comfort months. You know what's even better than mac-n-cheese and a Lost marathon? Having a fitness level you can be proud of. Having the confidence to wear those shorts you've been eying. Setting a goal and smashing it!

It took me THIRTY (I said it and I just threw up in my mouth a little) years to realize that the one thing you can control is YOUR choices. They may not always be perfect, but they are YOURS. You control you. You will fall, but it's your choice whether you pick yourself up or stay down. What's your choice?

Happy Saturday!

-see Sam run


  1. Happy birthday Sam.

    I turn thirty in a month so I can understand. I also get caught up in the mental cycle of "I am thirty and have not achieved X-Y-Z" all the time. At times it seems that all I have managed to do is create more debt that merely keeps me locked into the self-perpetuating cycle of mindless drudgery in this tiny town. In part, this is true (sadly).

    Despite that I have to look at it another way. I am married to a wonderful woman and we are making progress...and that is what it is about.

    Progress. It defines us. Progressing to what? Anything. We are not what we were 10 years ago. Life continues to march on, heedless of our own struggles. All we can do is find enjoyment where we may and know that we are doing far more and far better than any number of folks on this tiny rock in space.

    At least this is what I tell myself to keep the malaise at bay.


  2. Some days it feels endless, like I'll never be "there" (wherever that is). Feels like I'll never get caught up or be truly financially stable or have the career I thought I'd always have. But you're right, progress, however small, is still progress. Keep on keepin' on brother.
