Friday, March 1, 2013

My goals, my weight, my face and a little Rebecca Black.

It's Friday, Friday - gotta get down on Friiiday...

Oh shit, I just got that annoying Rebecca Black song stuck in my head. And maybe yours too. 

Your welcome?

Today is the first day of March which means February is DONE, son. And while everyone I've talked to recently is super excited that February is over, it was a good month for me. Nothing horrible happened - I stayed on my healthy kick without much distraction, I kicked up the distance in my runs, I celebrated my anniversary with the boyfriend, and Life of Pi won some Oscars. 

But March is here whether we like it or not, and this is going to be a good month too - I'm determined!

Before we all usher this month in, though, I need to do a re-cap on my February goals.


February Goals Final Count:

10,000+ Calories Burned:
216 - 02/01
459 - 02/04

1086 - 02/05
303 - 02/06
627 - 02/08
623 - 0209
543 - 02/10
557 - 02/11
846 - 02/13
595 - 02/14

541 - 02/16
748 - 02/18
528 - 02/19
377 - 02/20
681 - 02/21
530 - 02/24
659 - 02/26
528 - 02/27
783 - 02/28

Total Calorie Burn: 11230

End of February Goal Weight: 121lbs

End of February Weight: 123.4 lbs

Only 10 Alcoholic Drinks this Month:
I honestly lost count. Whoopsie!

*Let the record state that I did not drink at all this month except for that ONE week I was home. And I only went out and got DRUNK one night. And it was wonderful - except for when I thought death was knocking at my door the next day (I think my hangovers get worse with age, I swear!) And I was totally within my two beer limit all month until North Carolina played NC State and let's just say, a few more than 2 Budweisers were involved. 
Sorry. (Not sorry.)


Last night as I was going to bed, I had the sudden realization that a new month is starting and I need to come up with a goal for March. But I can't really think of one yet. So stay tuned.

And now, we need to talk about my face.

I really like my face. Despite my minor butt chin (thanks Dad!), we've always been friends. I was that lucky bitch in high school that never got acne. I've never had super dry skin or super oily skin. It's always been just garden-variety average skin. The only problems I've ever had with my skin, as it turns out, were my fault. Who knew that you have to take your make-up off or wash sweat off your face after the gym? 

I watched this news segment one morning a couple of weeks ago where the story was about skin care and they interviewed a dermatologist. They were talking about common misconceptions of skin care and the use of skin care products. I was listening along not really relating to many of the topics when they started talking about facial scrubs. And how you shouldn't use them daily.

Wait - hold up. Are we talking about this junk?

Shut up! No way. I've been using this crap on a DAILY basis for the past, oh I don't know, 6+ years of my life?! I was immediately convinced that my skin was going to fall off right then and there as I watched the rest of the show.

Apparently, face scrubs are cool every once in a while. According to Dr. Skin Care Lady, you can use them once every week or two. BUT NOT EVERY DAY.

Immediately, I began questioning everything I knew about skin care to this point. What other abuse was I unknowingly putting my face through? And I came to a conclusion.

I am about to be 25 years old. Like soon. And while being a quarter of a century old probably isn't as scary and ancient as it sounds, I need to start being nicer to my face. 

This is the ONLY face I'm going to get. This face and I are going to be together until the end! We are in a long-term committed relationship. We are stuck together. And I better stop pissing it off with this daily scrub before it decides to wrinkle up and make me look like a leather purse by the age of 40. 

So I went to Target.

Annnnd, along with a new chambray blouse, some lacy underwear, and ankle socks, I grabbed some new skincare products in effort to make nice with my face.

This stuff is awesome. Fight my sweaty gym acne AND keep me from being a leatherface? 

Count. Me. In. 

I have to admit, though, it feels weird going from a scrub to a cream cleanser. It doesn't feel like I'm doing anything really. But Dr. Skin Care Lady said it's good for me. And my face has been on its best behavior lately... so I'll go with it.

This concoction was invented for people who live in Wyoming in the winter time. I'm sure of it. Ya'll, I am not kidding when I say this dry winter is HARSH. My hair is static-y, my skin is flaky, and my face is DEHYDRATED like never before. This stuff is like a bottle of water for my skin. And my Nannie used to use Ponds products when I was little, so this smell reminds me of her. Winning...

This is more of a "North Carolina/Summer" moisturizer. It smells like sunscreen. And let's face it, that's pretty much what it is. But my pale face could always use a little SPF. I used this mostly when I'm in North Carolina - even though it's winter time, I'm still getting a lot of sun on my outdoor runs.

This is the one product that I bought that I am not that crazy about. Is it good for a quick wipe down when I get done at the gym? Yes. Does it work well when I fall asleep on the plane and need to fix my face real quick at the airport? Yes. But when these are gone, I will replace them with the normal cleansing wipes because that grapefruit ish kind of burns. I took my eye makeup off with them when I first got them (was this dumb?) and my eye lids were on FIRE. And honestly, it kind of makes my skin burn a little too. Just too much grapefruit, if you ask me. But I bought it because I've been having some minor acne lately so I figured I would be a little more proactive and a little less reactive.

And now, ladies and gents, the Healthy Little Me Target buy of the month. This shit is like crack for your face. It is a primer/moisturizer/corrector/perfecter/magical potion. It goes on white and you only need a TEENY bit. But it smooths out my face and makes me look like I have foundation on when I really don't. If I'm going all out, I'll use it under my Bare Minerals powder. But going to the grocery store? Yep, just me and the BB on board. But LET IT BE KNOWN. While this stuff doesn't feel like makeup, it acts like it. So make sure to wash it off. (I think everyone knows these things but me... but just in case.)

(This is only the case in North Carolina, by the way. When I'm in Wyoming - I rarely ever put anything beyond a moisturizer on my face. My job is HARDLY glamorous. And I'm not really trying to impress anyone...)

Annnd what was the BEST part? Target was having an awesome sale in the beauty aisle and every bit of this crap was ON SALE. Holla!

Now, I'm still new to this whole "Treat your skin right" thing and I'd love to hear what your favorite products are. Just leave the expensive Origins shit out of it. I'm wayyyy too cheap for that. I'm trying to be NICE to my skin, not worship it.

Happy Friday! Hopefully that Rebecca Black song is out of your head by now. And if it is, BOOM! I just put it back. (You see what I did there?)


  1. I swear by Neutrogena Naturals night cream. I thought I had super oily skin and was really just drying it out with most of my go-to products - but I've been using this gem every night for about two months and my skin is similar to a newborn baby's ass. But without the crack...

  2. Also, super excited to hear some feedback on this BB cream schtuff... thanks!
